Taking A Cooperative Approach To Your Legal Issues

American Citizens Abroad

On Behalf of | May 2, 2012 | Firm News

I am pleased to announce that I have been invited to serve as a member of American Citizens Abroad (ACA) Professional Tax Advisory Panel (PTAC)!

“American Citizens Abroad (ACA), the voice of Americans overseas, is a non-profit, non-partisan,
all-volunteer organization that represents the interests of Americans living and working outside the U.S. to the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Federal Judiciary to insure that Americans’ overseas are treated with equality and fairness. ACA is dedicated to representing overseas American’s interests, disseminating information on key issues to Americans overseas and supporting the role of U.S. citizens as informal representatives of the United States.”

“ACA’s Professional Tax Advisory Council (PTAC), created in 2011, has more than a score of members. Headed by the lead person of ACA’s tax team, Jackie Bugnion, the group compares their varied experience in dealing with the IRS on behalf of clients, acts as a sounding board for ACA positions on taxes, and swaps news and ideas.”

I am eager to be involved in this group and fight for the rights of Americans living abroad.
[email protected]
